Pulpit Fiction

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Baptism of Jesus A

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  1. Matthew 3:13-17

  2. Isaiah 42:1-9

  3. Psalm 29

  4. Acts 10:34-43

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Voice in the Wilderness: Renee Roederer

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Voice in the Wilderness: John DeMuth

Psalmist: Richard Bruxvoort Colligan, Psalmimmersion.com, @pomopsalmist, Patreon

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Musician: My Anchor Holds, “Wade in the Water,” from their album Dirty Jesus, myanchorholds.net, @My_Anchor_Holds, Facebook, YouTube

Psalmist: Richard Bruxvoort Colligan, Psalmimmersion.com, @pomopsalmist, Patreon

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Matthew 3:13-17

Initial Thoughts

  • Love this quote from David Lose: “Apparently, baptism was always a problem.”

  • Focus, rightly, is on Jesus, not John. 

  • Post-Epiphany season begins here, has frustrating stop in John 1 next week, then back to Matthew, especially the Sermon on the Mount, leading into Lent.

Bible Study

  • John’s reluctance and Jesus’ assurance

    • This awkward exchange is not found elsewhere. All the gospels include John proclaiming that the one coming after him is greater. Mark and Luke do not have this exchange. G of John does not even have John baptizing Jesus, but just “witnessing” to him.

      • “Perhaps Matthew wished to defend Jesus against the supposition that he too was guilty of pre baptismal sin and came to John to have it washed away. Perhaps Matthew was piqued by followers of the Baptist who claimed that Jesus must be inferior to John since he had submitted to to baptism by John.” (Douglas Hare, Interpretation: Matthew, p. 20).

    • “Allow me to be baptized now. This is necessary to fulfill all righteousness” are the first words attributed to Jesus in Matthew, and thus in the NT.

      • “The term ‘righteousness’ (used seven time in Matthew and with differing connotations) seems here to indicate a divine requirement to be accomplished. The adjective ‘all’ mean that it is not simply a special requirement for the Son of God but on that joins him with fellow Christians in carrying out ‘all that God requires.’” (Charles Cousar, Texts for Preaching, Year A, p. 97).

      • “Why would Matthew regard it as God’s will that the Messiah be baptized? The most likely answer to this question stressed Jesus’ solidarity with sinners. The one who will save his people from their sins by submitting to a baptism of annihilation must here consecrate himself to his vocation by joining the sinful multitude in the waters of the Jordan. ...In so doing, he takes the first step on the road to Calvary.” (Hare, Interpretation: Matthew, p. 21)

  • God’s response

    • Heaven opened to him

    • Spirit of God descended like a dove and resting on him.

      • A commissioning - connected to Great Commission, where Jesus send out disciples to baptize and to obey his commands.

    • Voice: “This is my Son whom I dearly love. I find happiness in him.”

      • Isaiah 42

      • Matthew did not know the Nicene Creed. “Father/Son” relationship was more about identity and vocation that metaphysical relationship. Jesus was also Son of David and Son of Abraham. 

  • Dove -- or pigeon?

Thoughts and Questions

  • “Our main doctrines, which include all the rest, are three: That of repentance, of faith, and of holiness. The first of these we account, as it were, the porch of religion; the next, the door; the third, religion itself.” John Wesley. At baptism, the heavens were opened. This is the entry. This idea of repentance being the porch of God’s Kingdom could be a helpful one - it is the first step toward a relationship with God. Stepping through that door is the coming of faith and living into holiness. Baptism can be seen as the transition point between repentance and holiness. This metaphor is helpful, but imperfect, because as Wesley knew as well, the process of holiness 

  • “I believe we need make teaching the significance of baptism a priority. This shouldn’t occur only in the sermon, of course. Confession of sin is a time to remember baptism. Communion is an extension of the baptismal promise. The dismissal is the time to send us forth to live out our baptism in our various roles and vocations in the world. And during hospital and home visits there are manifold opportunities to remind our people of God’s promises to us in Baptism.” David Lose

    • How do we teach baptism? Is it just something we remember once a year, and whenever a baby is born?

    • What does it mean to “remember your baptism”? Is it just the remembrance of the ritual - which many of us cannot recall; or it something else? To remember your baptism is to remember who you are. 

    • Baptism is, above all, about identity.

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Isaiah 42:1-9 

Initial Thoughts

  • The Baptism “Easter Egg” for bible geeks

  • 2nd Isaiah written to those in Exile

    • Some probably wanted violent reprisal (Psalm 137) but God’s servant is non-violent

  • First of the four servant songs (42:1-4; 49:1-6; 50:4-9; 52:13-53:12)

Bible Study

  •  Good connection between the Hebrew Bible and the New Testament

    • Marcionism is alive and well- so beware supersessionism!

  • Servant of God - person or nation?

    • Could be either or both

    • Not necessarily about a specific individual

    • Israel? Jesus? Cyrus?

      • Probably not Cyrus since v. 3-4 do not capture the image of a conquering and liberating general

      • Not Jesus - though later interpreted as Christians to be

      • Probably “the servant is Israel or perhaps an exemplary leader who will arise from the people.” Robert Alter, Hebrew Bible: A Translation with Commentary, vol 2, p. 758

        • The latter would explain why this passage is later interpreted by early Christians to be speaking about Jesus

  • Dual purpose

    • A way of identifying the servants of God

    • Comfort for the servant

  • Church History Context:

    • the Servant is Jesus who is the divine mediator between humanity and God - therefore no need for a priestly mediator - therefore the priesthood of all believers.

  • Characteristics of the Servant

    • Called and Chosen by God

    • Brings for Justice

      • Patience

      • Perseverance

      • No shouting

      • Won’t give up

      • Won’t “break”

    • The servant of God doesn’t force, coerce or execute justice

    • God is the center of the servant - a powerful message for those in exile

  • Opening the eyes of the blind, release to prisoners - “not an eschatological granting of vision to the sightless but rather the imparting of sigh to those who have been plunged in the darkness of a dungeon.” Robert Alter, Hebrew Bible: A Translation with Commentary, vol 2, p. 758

  • God imagines a world full of those who serve God - where the old ways of oppression, shouting, and coercion have given way to non-violence, love, forgiveness and patience.

  • Covenant

    • Alter points out a discrepancy in the Masoretic and Qumran texts. The Masoretic text says “people’s covenant” whereas the Qumran text says “everlasting covenant”

    • How might we interpret the difference between a people’s covenant and an everlasting covenant? Is there a difference?

      • People change, God’s love is everlasting

    • What does it mean for a person to embody a covenant?

Thoughts and Questions

  • “Shouting” is often justified by the perceived justice the shouter hopes to accomplish. God’s servant works for justice without shouting. Often we shout to drown out the voices of others- perhaps God’s justice is achieved by listening to others.

    • Some may shout to have their voice heard- how does this resonate with God’s justice

  • In Baptism we accept God’s choosing and call to be servants of God. How are we establishing God’s justice?

    • Who need to be supported to they won’t break or grow faint?

  • In Baptism we are called back to recognize God as the center of our lives and that we are the center of God’s life (called, chosen, beloved, covenanted, taken, kept) despite all evidence at times to the contrary.

  • Whether Christ is the only servant Isaiah was predicting or by virtue of his life and death Christ is a servant - there is no doubt that Christ is a Servant of God. Baptism and Epiphany are an opportunity to reengage with Christ as our servant leader and our calling to be servants of God as well.

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Acts 10:34-43

Initial Thoughts

  • The resurrection is a sign that all Jesus did on earth should be carried on. The resurrection is proof that Jesus is Lord of the living and the dead - all things.

Bible Study

  • Peter’s Elevator Witness

  • Used to describe what Baptism and Christian faith are about

    • Fear of God - i.e. faith

    • Doing right - i.e. works

  • Context:

    • These are Peter’s words at the home of Cornelius, who had gathered friends and relatives to hear Peter. In the previous passage, it is revealed that Cornelius is a Roman Centurion, but “a righteous man, and a God-worshiper who is well-respected by all Jewish people.”

    • This setting is very important - and Peter even says so immediately before this speech, which is about God’s mercy being open to all.

    • Must be understood within context

      • Peter just had a vision that abolished the food laws of clean and unclean

      • Cornelius has a vision to summon Peter

      • Peter goes and preaches to and among gentiles

      • “What God has made clean, you must not call unclean” - this is basis of God’s impartiality

  • The Good News is for everyone

    • There are no cultural or ethnic requirements

    • God calls all people through Jesus Christ

    • Not new to scripture- Deuteronomy 10:17, “God is not partial and takes no bribe.”

      • New to Peter

  • Alan Gregory - Poetic rhythm of the story

    • You must fear God and do right

      • Jesus preaches peace to all people

    • Healing and freedom from oppression led to death

      • Jesus’ ministry was that of “doing good and healing everyone oppressed.” Jesus did this, and for it, he was killed.

    • Death is met is resurrection

    • Resurrection by judgment

    • Judgment with forgiveness

    • And we return to the impartiality of God

      • God is not partial to you or to your enemy- God is partial to reconciliation and forgiveness

  • How do we determine what is of Christ and what isn’t?

    • doing good

    • healing the oppressed

    • Forgiveness

  • Whoever believes in him

    • Jesus or God?

    • If you do not believe in God or Jesus- do you care if you are forgiven?

      • An inclusive message to believers - NOT a message of judgement against unbelievers

    • Israel received the message first, but are not the exclusive receivers of the message

    • Immediately afterwards, this group of Romans began to speak in tongues, and were baptized.

    • After this episode with the Roman gentiles, Peter is questioned by the Jerusalem Church.

Thoughts and Questions

  • This is Peter’s 30 sec elevator witness - what is yours?

  • If God is impartial to Israel or the Jews, then isn’t God also impartial to the church? What does this mean for the church and our mission?

  • If God’s primary focus is forgiveness and reconciliation- How is the church living into this mission? How are each of us?

  • What cultural barriers stand in our way of participating in God’s mission? (just as not associating with Gentiles stood in Peter’s way)

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Thanks to our Psalms correspondent, Richard Bruxvoort Colligan (psalmimmersion.com,@pomopsalmist). Thank you to Scott Fletcher for our voice bumpers, Dick Dale and the Del Tones for our Theme music (“Misirlou”), Nicolai Heidlas (“Sunday Morning”,"Real Ride"and“Summertime”) and Bryan Odeen for our closing music.